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Be a blessing today!

Welcome to KJV Christian Wallpapers ministry! We hope this site could be little blessing for you. We recently add "flyer" design ideas to the site - whereby you can see various tracts, invitation and church announcements.

We now also have KJV eCard at :

**All of the pictures copyright are belong to us and respective photographers (you can see the list of photographers) who faithfully contribute pictures to this site. For public use - please ask our permission before using them. And these pictures are NOT meant to be included on any commercial use.

How to contribute:
If you have some pictures (that you taken yourself) and would like to share it with other fellow brethren. Drop us a comment with the link to your high resolution images, a bible verses you have in mind, and in due time we will try to make it available on this website.

"What if I have no pictures to contribute?". You still can take part by sharing this blog to your blog readers or forward it to your friend. Make the power of the truth known to the world.


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Welcome to KJV Christian Wallpapers

Finally, this blog is in a good state of running. There is still so many things to do, but I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone!

It was all started in 2005, we bought a second hand Canon EOS 300D from yahoo auction. Then, obsessed about travelling, we were bringing our "bulky" camera everywhere we go (no we had never regret bringing it along!)
So obviously, there is an enormous stock of images sitting doing nothing in our hard drive. And then me and my husband has this "crazy" idea about using it, and this blog is finally born.

I hope everyone can make use of it, or even take part on this project. I also wanted to say a bif thank you for ovelwhelming respose on donating pictures. I am really thrilled!
However the core of this project is spreading God's word, while the picture is just the tool. Let us be reminded that God's word is a powerful tool for encouraging as well as edifying. And looking at it everyday is a pretty neat idea!


HOPE 23 September 2009 at 19:42  

AMEN..this is a wonderful ministry in blogland...a corner of the world that will touch many lives..and hopefully their hearts for the LORD.

The photos are just beautiful..stunning...

I started to purchase a bulky..and then decided on a compact to throw in my bag for any given moment for a BLOG pic! ;)

God bless your endeavors here..

F A I T H 7 October 2009 at 23:19  

This is a wonderful idea and nowhere close to "crazy". You and your hubby are such great photographers. Indeed looking at the surrounding through the eyes of the Creator. :)

If I can my husband to dig out some of the nice photos he took, I'd send them to you, okay? He'd definitely be more than happy to contribute (provided the photos are good enough though. Hee..)

God bless!

slowpoke 16 December 2009 at 02:53  

Hi there,
Love these images, you have some awesome wallpapers that all depict God's Glory. I would love to use some in slideshows on my site if you would give me your permission to do so.

May God bless you immensely in all you do.

J.H 23 December 2009 at 02:53  

Hi all, sorry for my late reply. Blogspot had never inform me about your comment!

@Hope : thank you so much for your kind words!

@Faith : yes, just email me the picture to

@slowspoke : yes feel free to use them :-)

Dena C 20 August 2013 at 00:20  

My daughter downloaded a picture that she said was from your site but I cannot find it anywhere in all of your posts. I would like to gain permission to use it in our homeschool yearbook but I don't know who to ask. Could you help me? It's a picture of a signpost that says "Which Way?" as the road name with a small 93 underneath it and a hand pointing at the end of the sign. The bible verse is Proverbs 14:12 - there is a way . . . Can anyone tell me who the picture belonged to so that I might ask permission to use it? Thank you for your help.

Anonymous 6 October 2014 at 19:54  

🌟what a wonderful idea this is. God has blessed you with a gift. Your website is amazing and beautiful.God bless your family in Jesus name amen

About The Images

All the images uploaded on this blog are subject to copyright and not to be use for any commercial purpose.
All images are of 300dpi with 1200x1600 resolution (or 1200x1800 if it is indicated as WIDESCREEN). Please feel free to use our image for personal use (as wallpaper or postcard). If you are interested to use our images in your blog or website, please ask for our permission by dropping us a comment.

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